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Dive into the realm of technology with our Artificial Intelligence themed Powerpoint and Google Slides templates. Ideal for educators and tech-enthusiasts, this distinctive illustrated design uses shades of blue and green, merging technology and education in a visually appealing manner. Perfect for business plans, webinars etc., this template infuses a cute, yet professional tone into your presentations. Bring out the essence of AI in education by incorporating this creative template into your workshop. Click to explore our versatile template now and give your presentations an edge!

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  • 맞춤화할 수 있는 25개 이상의 준비된 슬라이드
  • 수백 가지 차트, 프레임, 선 및 모양 중 선택 가능
  • 칠판 배경
  • 그림을 추가하는 데 도움이 되는 쉬운 드래그 앤 드롭 도구

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  • 그래픽을 추가하는 데 도움이 되는 쉬운 드래그 앤 드롭 도구
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