클래식 미니멀 연감 파워포인트 및 구글 슬라이드 템플릿

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Unveil the elegance of simplicity with our ‘Yearbook Gradation PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates’. Specially designed for the realm of education, this classy template is ideal for creating yearbooks at elementary, high school, and college levels. Its minimal design, enhanced by a colorful blend of red and purple gradients, will bring your memories to life in a stylishly understated way. Tap into this clean yet vibrant layout for a truly memorable yearbook creation. Act now! Experience the joy of reminiscing past moments with our unique Google Slides and PowerPoint templates.

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  • 그리고 가장 좋은 점은?
  • 각 슬라이드에 편리한 애니메이션 및 전환 기능
  • 마음대로 사용자 정의할 수 있는 25개 이상의 준비된 슬라이드

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